Muscle-building Supplements: beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB)


Skinny Girl's Quest for Muscle
Supplements: HMB beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate

Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate--Boy, that sure sounds scary doesn't it! To the unfamiliar, it may conjure up images of large-scale class action law suits and FDA recalls and bans resulting from widespread use of diet drugs advertised with unflattering images of oyster-white, bikini-clad, muffin tops transformed into smiling, tanned, super models. Why would I want to put something with such a long, intimidating name in my body anyway? I'm a natural and organic foods kind of girl.

Turns out, HMB is a naturally occurring substance in our own bodies. Our muscles produce HMB following training activities that cause muscle breakdown (muscle breakdown is a good thing--this is what we strive for when lifting weights). HMB is also found in some of the foods that we eat. In supplement form, HMB is known as: calcium beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate monohydrate or CalHMB, and is the calcium salt of HMB.

What's The Benefit?

In January of 2008, a thorough review of HMB studies was performed, indicating that it does show promise for increasing lean body mass, reducing body fat, decreasing muscle soreness following exercise, improving recovery after exercise, increasing fat oxidation, improving VO2 max peak, improving LDL cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, and even improving mood(1). Test subjects in the various studies, were given HMB in different dosage levels (1, 3, and up to 6 grams per day) vs. a placebo (0 grams of HMB per day). In a majority of the studies, the test subjects consuming HMB made gains beyond that of the placebo groups. Gains peaks with dosages at 3 grams per day. Higher doses did not increase gains above the 3 gram dosage size. It is important to note that only the test subjects who were in an active training program made improvements. Subjects who did not exercise while taking HMB showed no improvements. Additionally, subjects taking both HMB and creatine had larger gains than taking nothing, taking just HMB, or taking just creatine.

The journal review also cited studies showing no benefits from taking HMB and suggested that in many of the studies, the athletes were either over-trained or so well trained that they were experiencing plateaus. It was surmised that the training routine was at fault in these instances--the training programs were too familiar to the participants, eliciting little muscle stimulation effective enough to promote breakdown and later growth.

Additionally, a study performed earlier this year saw results only in the lower bodies and not in the upper bodies of the male research subjects taking HMB supplementation(4).

How Much Do You Take?

HMB is generally considered safe at levels of 3 grams per day, taken 1 gram at a time, three times daily. One study suggests that HMB supplementation should be standardized by body weight(2) at 17.3 mg per pound of body weight, per day. This table shows grams per day of HMB by body weight in pounds using the previously mentioned formula:

weight (lbs), grams per day
100, 1 3/4
125, 2
150, 2 1/2
175, 3
200, 3 1/2
225, 4

It should be noted that a study found that females can safely take a larger dose than males due to heightened levels of potassium following consumption in male subjects(3).


From these results it is possible to conclude that supplementing with HMB is effective at the start of a training program, and in less trained athletes.

Scary? Well, when it comes to spelling it, yes, definitely. However, from all of the research, it appears to be a relatively safe supplement that just might bring me closer to my goal.

Until next time, go do something Athletic!

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